Elasticity of Demand

Elasticity Of Demand


Elasticity  means responsiveness.  Thus, elasticity of demand means the responsiveness of demand due to some changes to the factors which influence demand.

There three types of elasticity of demand:

1.     Price Elasticity of Demand  (PED)  - (Ed)
2.     Income Elasticity of Demand (IED) - (EI)
3.     Cross Elasticity of Demand (CED) - (Ec)

1.   Price Elasticity of Demand  (PED) 
     a.  Definition of PED:
It measures the responsiveness of quantity demanded  due to a change in its price.

      b. Formula :                     

          i.   Ed   =      % ∆ in Qty demanded for product A      (Percentage Method)
                             % ∆ in price for product A

               Ed   =     % ∆Q
                             % ∆P

Note:                     The following are the steps to convert from percentage method to proportionate method:

                             ∆Q × 100%
                   =       _________                           
                             ∆P × 100%

                 Ed =          ∆Q× p0                                     
                                ∆P     q0

           ii.   E=     ∆Q × p0                                         (Proportionate Method)
                           ∆P     q0
                 Ed =        (q1− q0p0                                     absolute value
                               (p1 − p0)   q0
            iii.   E=    dQ ×  p0                                          (Point Method)
                           dP     q0

            iv.    Ed =      ∆Q × (p1 +  p0)/2                 (Arc Elasticity or average method)
                              ∆P     (q1 + q0)/2  

Note:         All answers must be for PED must be converted by the absolute value to turn it to positive.

Example 1:
            If the price of product Y has increased by 10% then the quantity demanded has decreased by 20%. Calculate the price elasticity of demanded when price increases.

                   % ∆P  =    10%
                   % ∆Q =  −20%
                   Ed   = % ∆Q
                             % ∆P

                   Ed   = −20%

                   Ed   =   −2                                absolute value     

                   Ed   =   2           (Since  1<E< ∞ , the demand is elastic)

Example 2:

            Given the price of product X is RM 4 and the quantity demanded is 12 units. When the price of product X increases to RM 5 the quantity demanded is 6 units. Calculate the price elasticity of demanded when price increases.

                   p0 =  RM4   q0   =  12
                   p1 =  RM5   q1  =  6

                 Ed  =     ∆Q × p0                                          (Proportionate Method)
                             ∆P     q0
                 Ed  =      (q1− q0) × p0           
                             (p1 − p0)    q0

                                    =          (6 − 12)  ×  4  
                              (5 − 4)       12

                      =    − 6 ×  1
                                1      3

                      =          − 2

                Ed   =  2          (Since  1<E< ∞ , the demand is elastic)

c.  Objective for PED or Degrees of  PED:

Once we have calculated the PED then we need to interpret the coefficient value. For PED coefficient there are degrees of PED :

·        Elastic Demand   ,  (1<E< ∞)  or ( E> 1)
·        Inelastic Demand ,  (0< E< 1) or  ( E< 1)
·        Unitary Elastic Demand ,  ( E= 1)
·        Perfectly Inelastic Demand , (  E= 0)
·        Perfectly Elastic Demand , (  E= ∞)


2.       Income Elasticity of Demand (IED)

          a.  Definition of IED:
                   It measures the responsiveness of quantity demanded  due to a change in consumer’s income.

            b. Formula :               

             i.   Ed   =      % ∆ in Qty demanded                     (Percentage Method)
                             % ∆ in Income      

                  Ed   =  % ∆Q         Note : I’m using notation I for Income but the
                             % ∆I                           manual is using Y.

Note:                  The following are the steps to convert from percentage method to proportionate method:

                             ∆Q × 100%
                   =       _________                           
                             ∆P× 100%

                   =        ∆Q× I0                                          
                             ∆I     q0

            ii.    Ed  =   ∆Q× I0                                 (Proportionate Method)
                             ∆I     q0
                 Ed   =   (q1− q0I0                          
                             (I1 − I0)   q0

iii.        Ed  =   dQ× I0                                (Point Method)
                               dI     q0
b.  Objective for IED:
          Is to identify the types of good.

                                                  Luxury Goods, if  (EI  > 1)
                                                    i.e  antique furniture, antique cars
          i.        Normal Goods        Necessity Goods, if  (0< EI  =< 1)
                                                    i.e   clothings, shoes.
         (Note : As income  increased , the quantity demanded will also increased.)

          ii.       Inferior Goods         (EI  < 0)
                   (Giffen Goods)
                                                 i.e  low-grade rice, black&white TV, secondhand clothings
         (Note : As income  increased , the quantity demanded will also decreased.)

          iii.      Essential Goods         (EI  = 0)
                                             i.e   Insulin for diabetic patient
                   (Note : As income  increased , the quantity demanded no changed.)

c.       Example 1 :

          Given the consumer’s income increased by 10% ,  the quantity demanded for houses have increased by 5% . Calculate the income elasticity of demanded for houses when income increases.

                   Given  :       %∆I   =  10%             % ∆Q =  5%
          EI   = % ∆Q          =   5% 
                   % ∆I        10%

          EI   =   0.5   ( Since 0<Ed=<1 , the good is Necessity good)


Example 2:
          Given the following table:

Income ($)
Qty for Good A
Qty for Good B
Qty for Good C

          Find the EI when consumer’s income changes from RM500 to RM600 for good A,B and C respectively. Then determine the type of goods from the above calculation.

Suggested Solutions:

Since we have three (A,B & C) goods, so there should be three calculation to find the EI  for good A, B & C respectively.

For Good A :        I0 = RM500 q0= 30
                             I1= RM600 q1 = 35

          EI   =       ∆Q × I0                                     (Proportionate Method)
                          ∆I     q0

                      (35 − 30)      500
                   =                    ×
                     (600− 500)    30

EI    =   0.833            (Since EI is  0 < E=< 1, thus the good is a necessity good)

For Good B :        I0 = RM500 q0= 15
                             I1= RM600 q1 = 10

          EI   =       ∆Q × I0                                     (Proportionate Method)
                          ∆I     q0

                        (10 − 15)       500 
                =                             ×        
                         (600 − 500)      15
            EI   =   −  1.67        (Since EIis  E< 0, thus the good is an inferior good)

For Good C :        I0 = RM500 q0= 20
                             I1= RM600 q1 = 20

          EI   =       ∆Q × I0                                     (Proportionate Method)
                          ∆I     q0

                     (20 − 20)       500 
                =                             ×        
                      (600 − 500)      20

          EI   =    0    (Since  EI  is  EI =  0, thus the good C is an essential good)

3.  Cross Elasticity of Demand (CED)

          a.  Definition of CED:
                   It measures the responsiveness of quantity demanded (i.e  ∆ in Qx)  due to a change in price of related product (∆ in Py).

            b. Formula :               

             i.   Ec   =      % ∆ in Qty  of  X                            (Percentage Method)
                             % ∆ in Price of Y      

                  Ec   =  % ∆Qx                 
                             % ∆Py                         

Note:    The following are the steps to convert from percentage method to proportionate method:

                             ∆Q x × 100%
                     =     _________                           
                             ∆Py × 100%

              ii.   E =   ∆Qx × py0                       (Proportionate Method)
                              ∆Py      q x0

             iii.   E =   dQx × py0                        (Point Method)
                              dPy      q x0

          c. Objective :

                   It is to establish the relationship between good X and good Y. There are three possibilities of goods:

                   i)  X and Y are substitute goods =>   E =   +(positive value)
Note : As price Py increase, the quantity Qx will also increase.

                   ii) X and Y are complementary goods =>  E = −  (negative value)
                             Note : As price Py increase, the quantity Qx will also decrease.

                   iii) X and Y has no relationship =>   E =   0  (zero value)
                             Note : As price Py increase, there is no effect on Qx.

Examples :

The following table shows the demand for two goods Y and Z, when there is a change in price for good X :
Price of Good X
Qty of Good Y
Qty of Good Z

          1. Calculate the CED of good Y when price of good X increased from RM6 to   RM7 per unit.
          2. Calculate the CED of good Z when price of good X increased from RM6 to   RM7 per unit.

Suggested Solutions: 

1.      px0  = 6     q y=  8
          px1  = 7     q y=  7

          E =        ∆Q y × px0                                      (Proportionate Method)
                       ∆Px     q y0
                       (7 − 8)          6
                =                             ×        
                        (7 − 6)          8

          E =   −  0.75   (Since  Eis  Ec < 0 , thus as Px  increased the Qwill                       decreased which mean Good X & Y are complementary goods)

2.       px0  = 6     q z=  8
           px1  = 7     q z= 10

          E =        ∆Q z × px0                                      (Proportionate Method)
                       ∆Px      qz0

                       (10 − 8)         6
                =                             ×        
                          (7 − 6)        8
           E =    1.5      (Since  Eis  Ec > 0 , thus as Px  increased the Qwill                                  increased which mean Good X & Z are substitute goods)

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