I.          Demand Function

Demand function can be of different forms. In this topic, we will focus on linear demand function. A basic linear demand function is in the form of

            Qx        =          a          -           b1Px      +          b2Py      +          b3Y

From this demand function, we can see that quantity demanded for good x depends on factors like price of good x (Px), price of good y (Py) and income (Y), where a, b1, b2 and b3 are constant values.

For many purposes, it is useful to focus on the relationship between quantity demanded and the price of good or service while holding other variables constant. Hence, the demand function can be written as

            Qx        =          a          -           b1Px

This demand function can be rewritten so that P becomes the subject or in other words, the conventional way of writing the demand curve function:

            Qx        =          a          -           b1Px

            b1Px      =          a          -           Qx

            Px         =          (a/ b1)  -           (1Qx / b1)

Example:          Qx        =          20         -           2Px

                        2Px        =          20         -           Qx

                                                Px         =          20/2     -           1/2Qx

                                                Px         =          10         -           0.5Qx
II.         The Market Demand

            If you are given individual demand functions and you want to develop the            market demand function, you need to add those individual demand functions.

Give three individual demand :
Q1        =          a1         -           b1P1
Q2        =          a2         -           b2P2
Q3        =          a3         -           b3P3

To get market demand, we must make the following assumption:
Let Pm = P1 = P2 = P3  where  Qm  = Q1  + Q2 +  Q3

The followings are individual demand functions for books for three individuals.
            Q1        =          25         -           2.50P1

            Q2        =          35         -           0.25P2

            Q3        =          20         -           1.25P3

The market demand function, assuming that there are only three individuals in the market, so we let  Pm = P1 = P2 = P3  where
            Qm       =          Q1        +          Q2        +          Q3

Qm       =          (25  -  2.50P1)  +  (35  -  0.25P2 )  +  (20   -  1.25P3 )

            Qm       =          (25  -  2.50Pm)  +  (35  -  0.25Pm)  +  (20   -  1.25Pm )
Qm       =          80   -   4Pm

III.        Total, Marginal and Average Revenue

a)         Total Revenue, TR         =          Price, P             x          Quantity, Q


                        P          =          8.5        -           0.5Q

                        TR         =          P          x           Q
                        TR         =          8.5Q     -           0.5Q2

            (Total Revenue function must be in the form of Q)

b)         Marginal Revenue, MR            =          dTR/dQ


                        TR         =          8.5Q     -           0.5Q2

                        MR       =          dTR/dQ            =          8.5        -           Q

c)         Average Revenue, AR             =          TR/Q


                        TR         =          8.5Q     -           0.5Q2

                        AR        =          TR/Q     =          8.5        -           0.5Q

IV.        Elasticity

a)         Price elasticity of demand

            It measures the responsiveness of demand when price changes.

                        Ed         =          dQ       x           P
                                                dP                    Q

                        Ed         >          1 à      elastic (sensitive to price change)

                        Ed         <          1 à      inelastic (not very sensitive to price change)

                        Ed         =          1 à      unitary elastic (proportionately sensitive to                                                                 price change)

                        Ed         =          0 à      perfectly inelastic (not sensitive to price                                                                      change)

                        Ed         =          à      perfectly elastic (very sensitive to price                                                                       change)

Example :

Given Q = 60 – 4P + 10Y  and initial  values P = 2.5 and Y = 5

         Ed     =    Q    x    P
                        P          Q
            Find     Q    and  Q :
Q   =  – 4  
and      Q = 60 – 4P + 10Y
                        Q = 60 – 4(2.5) + 10(5)
                        Q = 100

          Ey    =     (– 4  )  x    2.5_

          Ey    = 0.1  , since   0 <  Ed    <    1   à    Demand is inelastic

Elasticity Vs Total Revenue

Change in Price                      Elasticity                                   Change In TR
1.          P ↓                                        Elastic Demand                       TR ↑
2.          P ↑                                        Elastic Demand                       TR ↓
3.          P ↑ or ↓                                 Unitary Elastic Demand            TR(no change)
4.          P ↓                                        Inelastic Demand                    TR ↓     
5.          P ↑                                        Inelastic Demand                    TR ↑
(Note: Further explanation on the relationship between Ed and TR , please refer to study manual, page 104 – 105.)

b)         Income Elasticity

            It measures the responsiveness of demand to changes in income.

                        Ey         =          dQ       x           Y
                                                dY                    Q

                        Ey         <          0          à         the good is an inferior good

                        Ey         >          1          à         the good is a luxury good

                        0  <     Ey      ≤ 0           à         the good is a necessity good

Example :

Given Q = 60 – 4P + 10Y  and initial  values P = 2.5 and Y = 5

         Ey                 =     Q    x    Y
                        Y          Q
            Find     Q    and  Q :
Q   =  10  
and      Q = 60 – 4P + 10Y
                        Q = 60 – 4(2.5) + 10(5)
                        Q = 100

          Ey    =     (10)  x     5_

          Ey    = 0.5  , since  0  <  Ey   ≤ 0   it is  a  necessity good

c)         Cross Elasticity

It measures the responsiveness of demand to changes in price of other goods.

            Ec        =          dQx      x           Py
                                    dPy                   Qx

            Ec        >          0          à         the two products x and y are                                                                          substitutes

            Ec        <          0          à         the two products x and y are                                                                          complements

            Ec        =          0          à         there is no relationship between the                                                                two products.
Example :

Given Qx = 20 – 4Px + 5Py + 10Y  and initial  values Px = 2.5, Py = 3 and Y = 2

         EC     =     Qx    x    Py0
                        Py          Qx0
            Find     Qx    and  Q :
Qx   =  5  
and      Q = 20 – 4P + 5Py + 10Y 
                        Q = 20 – 4(2.5) + 5(3) + 10(2)
                        Q = 45

          EC   =      (5 )  x    3_

          Ey    = 0.33  , since  Ec   >  0 ,  products x and y are substitutes


1.      The demand equation faced by DuMont Electronics for its personal computers is     given by P = 10,000 – 4Q.

         a)         Derive the total revenue function.

         b)         Derive the marginal revenue function.

         c)         At what price and quantity will marginal revenue be zero?

         d)         At what price and quantity will total revenue be maximized?

         e)         If price, P = RM6,000, calculate the price elasticity of demand for the                                    product.

2.      Golden Bake is involved with the production of pies. Its demand function has been estimated as follows:
                     Qb       =          -28.60 + 0.24A + 45.20Ps – 38.80Pb
         Qb       = the demand for Golden Bake pies.
         A          =          Advertising expenditure
         Ps         =          the price of competitor’s pie per unit
         Pb        =          the price of Golden-Bake’s pie per unit

         a)         Derive the conventional demand curve function in the form of Q = a – bP, given that Ps = 0.85 and A = 210.

         b)         Derive the total revenue function.

         c)         Calculate the sales-revenue maximizing price for Golden Bake.

         d)         What is the maximum total revenue it can earn?

         (APR 2002/ECO555/510/465/550)

3.      Demand for softback managerial economics text is given by Q = 20,000 – 300P. The book is initially priced at RM30.

         a)         Compute the point price elasticity of demand at P = RM30.

         b)         If the objective is to increase total revenue, should the price be increased   or decreased? Explain.


life priced,do not fight,peace no war

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